So Jonathan's computer had given up. It refuses to turn on, it just keeps making a strange beeping noise. We have hooked up another monitor to it to see if that is the problem, but no, it's dead. We were planning on getting him a new one in April when we move, but we'll get on that sooner....
In the meantime, my Windows loving man is using my Apple. I love it! It makes me giggle! Usually I am the one who can't figure out what the computer is doing, it's so nice to be the knowledgeable one for once!
I have also thought of a brilliant plan to get the cute mittens I posted yesterday. The page is open in Safari, but minimized, so, the next time he goes to use my computer (which will happen while I am at work today) the pretty mitts will pop up.....subtle? No, Greatly Upping my chances of getting the gorgeous mitts? Yes!
My other subtlety for today....I want a mini Christmas Tree for our basement. We moved in with Jon's parents last December and I missed having our own little tree to decorate and pile presents under. With all the chaos of finishing the basement while we were living there they didn't put a tree up either. So, yesterday when I was wrapping presents I was hinting constantly that we should get our own little tree for them to sit under. We'll see what happens, but this is an example of what I would love! So cute! And, for sappy memory's sake, our Christmas tree from our first year as a married couple planted in our back yard. Love!!!
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