December 21, 2010

Uneventful yet busy days

I'm sorry about the lack of blog yesterday. I sat here in front of the computer for about 20 minutes and just couldn't think of the words. I had a busy day and apparently my brain was done for the night.
Yesterday was spent at work and nothing eventful happened. The warehouse and I managed to stay in our own corners, so no more battles. We were just busy enough to stay occupied but dead enough to take our normal breaks and for my Mom (the boss) to leave early. As soon as I told the warehouse guy to shut down the lights I had 2 couples come through the door and so we got out of there later than normal. Thankfully they both bought things, so my extra 15 minutes there was worth it.
Jon picked me up from work and we went to Accent European Lounge for the interVivos Holiday Mixer. It was a great event with two speakers running a debate regarding Municipal taxes. Surprisingly, the person advocating higher taxes, Scott McKeen, won the debate. He is the former Edmonton Journal's civic affairs columnist and was a candidate for ward 7 in the last election. Here is his website if you want to read about his ideals and policies. His challenger, Scott Hennig is the Alberta Director and National Communications Manager for the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. He had good points but he was unable to counter McKeen's harder questions. It made for a really interesting topic and people had some great questions after. We ducked out early because we are too polite to make the hors d'oeuvres our dinner. We chatted with a few people, and then ran to Chili's for dinner. Once again, I was excited to discover that they have a special gluten free menu. I was diagnosed celiac 3 years ago, and at that time most waitstaff looked at you like you were crazy when you asked if the sauce was gluten free. Now they cheerfully grab me a special menu and laugh about how excited I get. Once our tummies were full we headed home for the night. I framed some of our wedding photos that we finally got printed, then bedtime!
Today was supposed to be errand day so tomorrow could be relax day. It turned into another work day when our full time guy called in sick. He called my Mom on her cell phone when she was at the store and her purse was put away. My phone = always in my pocket or on the desk next to me. My Mom's phone = the last number that any of us call to get in touch with her. I got the phone call at 9:50 that he didn't show and got there at 11 to cover the day. We were fairly busy all day, lots of Grandparents coming in to grab little things for Christmas stockings. We also spent a ton of time figuring out our Boxing Week specials and getting the tags made and hung. We are closed on Wednesdays, open 8 hours on Thursday and then have a short day on Friday and then we are closed until Monday (which has short hours for my cousin's wedding) Getting the tags up today saved me a ton of headache on Friday!
Jon did a bunch of my running around for me, so after work we were able to head to the mall, completely finish the shopping and head home. I have a ton of wrapping to do, it will happen tomorrow as I think my brain is tapped for tonight.
See, busy, but pretty boring. What had your week been like?


Robin said...

My week has been full of relatives, a huge snow storm, and way too much shopping on my sore foot.

I'll be glad when this holiday is over. I'm just not up to it this year.

Kelly Latour said...

I am excited to see my relatives, we have a busy season this time around. We have a pretty small family- I have 4 cousins overall, and one of them is getting married on Monday.
How much snow did you get? I'm in Edmonton, so we also got a ton of snow, but we're used to it here!
I cheated with the shopping and did most of it online. I grabbed the smaller stuff locally, but am not a big enough fan of malls to do it all locally.

I hope you have a great holiday, despite everything!