February 27, 2011

Party Party Party

Holy man this week was crazy!
I spent most of it working on plans for Indulgent Designs, so far everything is going smoothly. I found a few possible locations that we will check out when we are in Victoria next week. I am almost done the business plan so we will be able to go to the bank soon! I sent messages to a few fabulous furniture suppliers in BC inquiring about their lines. I also started a few Etsy conversations with Victoria area crafters to find out if they would be willing to have their stuff in the store. So far there has been really good feedback!
Beautiful bowls from a Victoria based Potter.....Very excited to see these in person!
We went out to karaoke on Friday night and then had our goodbye party on Saturday and I am a zombie today. I am not young enough to close the bar two nights in a row. If I could sleep in I think I could handle it bit better but I worked both days as well, so there was only 4 hours of sleep between each busy day. I need sleep! Badly! Here are some of the best photos for your viewing pleasure (and because they will make you laugh!)
Me before starting to drink....
Shannon, Nicole and I all making awesome faces!
Shannon trying to sneak up on Jon
Greg singing for Nicole

Jon and I at the Muriettas trying to decide on a bottle of wine 
What happens when Cam & Shannon sit next to eachother

Cute group shot!

The best way to take photos so my flash doesn't blind me!

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