March 1, 2011

The Store

So today was supposed to be dedicated to working on our business plan for the new store. I did a bit of that, but was majorly distracted by the funner aspects of it. I set up a twitter account and started up a blog!! I am working with Penny Lane Designs to have a custom blog and website made, but I wanted something to have up in the meantime. Click on the link to see my first few posts there, if you do you will get a sneak peek at some of the great lines we will be carrying!!
I also spent a ton of time looking at retail spaces.
Jon came home and we looked over them all again, I think we have it narrowed down to 5 that we need to see in person. We found one that is just the right size, in a really good location and with a reasonable rent. I think i'm in love. We are meeting with the real estate agent when we are in Victoria next week so we can do walkthroughs of the places.
I also found out that there is a cute Presbyterian church right next door. We currently go to a presbyterian church and love the minister and his sermon style. We checked out St.Andews' website and read a few of their minister's sermons- they seem to be close to something Harry would write! They are having a special Ash Wednesday service while we are in town, so we are going to check them out too!!

Our trip is turning into a busy, busy adventure but it will all be worth it! We have 5 days to: Find somewhere to live, find a way to make money while we are getting the business going & find a retail location. We also want to visit my cousin while we are there and, since Jon has never been to Victoria we will need to do some sight seeing and exploring!

And now, at the very end of my day, I am deciding that the business plan i'm working on is going to drive me nuts. I did a really good plan a few years ago for a class I was in and still have a copy of it. It is for a store that offers design services. I am going to just re-work it to customize it to our application. Even the demographic research is bang on.

I have a spa morning with Shannon, but once that's done I will be at home, plugging away at the customization. Wish me luck!!!

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